Our Staff Team
Senior Leadership Team
Name | Title |
Mrs Emily May | Headteacher |
Mrs Nadene Townsend-Smith | Deputy Headteacher |
Ms Alison Walters | Deputy Headteacher |
Mr Paul Holt | Deputy Headteacher |
Mr Jason Dubas-Fisher | Assistant Headteacher |
Miss Rowanne Brown | Assistant Headteacher |
Mr Andy Webb | Business Manager |
Extended Leadership Team
Name | Title | |
Mrs Alison Borrell | Associate Assistant Headteacher | |
Mrs Lucy Collins | Associate Assistant Headteacher | |
Mr Felix Smith | Associate Assistant Headteacher | |
Mr Dale Scowen | Associate Assistant Headteacher |
Name | Title | Email Address |
Ms Helen Arnold | Head of Department | harnold@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Megan Jenkins-Daynes | Deputy Head of Department | mjenkins@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Marie Elliott | Assistant Head of Department | melliott@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Hayley Mallipoudy | English Teacher with responsibility for reading across the curriculum & racial literacy | hmallipoudy@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Rowanne Brown | English Teacher (AH) | rbrown@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Sam Clark | English Teacher | sclark@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Svetlana Mitchell | English Teacher | smitchell@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Ms Simone Kane | English Teacher | skane@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Elizabeth Oram | English Teacher | eoram@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Jordan Williams | English Teacher | jwilliams2@Willingdonschool.org.uk |
MATHS | ||
Name | Title | Email Address |
Miss Hannah Powell | Head of Department | hpowell@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Dan McGough | Deputy Head of Department | dmcgough@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Chris Honey | Assistant Head of Department | choney@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Paige Muller | Assistant Head of Department (Joint HoY 7) | pmuller@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Zoe Kemp | Maths Teacher - (Deputy SENCO) | zkemp@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Paris Higgins | Maths Teacher | phiggins@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Andrew Ratcliffe | Maths Teacher | aratcliffe@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Daniel Bridge | Maths Teacher | dbridge@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Natalie Klosowski | Maths Teacher | nklosowski@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Name | Title | Email Address |
Mr Philip Osborne | Head of Department | posborne@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Mia Angella-Foyle | Deputy Head of Department | mangella-foyle@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Laura Connolly | Assistant Head of Department | lconnolly@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Felix Smith | Assistant Head of Department (AAH) | fsmith@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Jason Dubas-Fisher | Science Teacher | jdubas-Fisher@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Rebecca Ellis | Science Teacher | rellis@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Auryn Merridue | Science Teacher | amerridue@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Ross Gardner | Science Teacher | rgardner@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Naomi Wells | Science Teacher | nwells@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Timothee Staley | Science Teacher | tstaley@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Chloe Ewen | Science Teacher | cewen@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Alyson Burton | Senior Laboratory Technician | |
Mrs Katy Barrow | Laboratory Technician | |
Mrs Lesley Mitchener | Laboratory Technician | |
Mrs Mandy Mooney | Laboratory Technician | |
Mrs Suzy Ray | Laboratory Technician |
Name | Title | Email Address |
Mrs Corrine Philibert-Lockyer | Head of Department | cphilibert-Lockyer@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Marion Dupont | Deputy Head of Department | mdupont@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Richard Crellin | Languages Teacher | rcrellin@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Paul Holt | Languages Teacher | pholt@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Gideon Ellwood | Languages Teacher | gellwood@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Name | Title | Email Address |
Mrs Lucy Collins | Head of Department | lcollins@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Laura Hughes | Head of Department - History (joint) | lhughes@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Ms Catherine Johnson | History & RSHE Teacher | cjohnson@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Rebecca Ridley | Ethics and History Teacher | rridley@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Gideon Ellwood | History and Latin Teacher | gellwood@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Becky Marshall | Geography Teacher | bmarshall@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Ms Alison Walters | Geography Teacher (DH) | awalters@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Sam Pennington | Geography and Ethics & Philosophy Teacher | spennington@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Joshua Bradford | Geography Teacher | jbradford@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Jo Hardwick | Head of History (joint), Sociology, Ethics and Philosophy Teacher | jhardwick@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Ross Gardner | Head of Department - Sociology & Psychology | rgardner@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Adam Edwards | History Teacher | aedwards@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Liam Keast | History Teacher (HoY 8) | lkeast@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Name | Title | Email Address |
Mrs Eileen McCarthy | Head of Department - Drama | mccarthy@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Sion Parry | Head of Department - Music | sparry@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Cameron Fraser | Music Teacher | cfraser@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Name | Title | |
Mrs Alison Borrell | Head of Department Technology & DT, Careers Leader (AAH) | aborrell@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Ruth Harris-Moss | Head of Department Business, Computer Science, Enterprise & ICT | rharris-moss@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Paula Harrison | Head of Department - Computer Science and ICT | pharrison@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Anthony Roche | IT Teacher | aroche@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Aimee Bearne | DT Teacher | abearne@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Carrie Childerley | Head of Department - Art | cchilderley@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Caroline Alley | Food Technician | |
Mr Ben Ronnie | Technology and Art Technician |
PE | ||
Name | Title | Email Address |
Miss Chloe Attrill | Head of Department PE, Dance & | cattrill@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Dale Scowen | Acting Head of Department PE, Dance | dscowen@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Amie Legate | Deputy Head of Department PE | alegate@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Dee Leonard | PE Teacher | dleonard@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Lee Gordon | PE Teacher (HoY 11) | lgordon@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mr Tom Cain | PE Teacher (HoY 9) | tcain@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Les Naylor | PE Teacher (Joint HoY 7) | lnaylor@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Georgia Stables | PE Teacher | gstables@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Miss Chloe Page | PE & Dance Teacher | cpage@willingdonschool.org.uk |
RSHE | ||
Name | Title | Email Address |
Mrs Georgia Stables | Head of Department | gstables@willingdonschool.org.uk |
THE HUB | ||
Name | Title | Email Address |
Mrs Olivia Barber | Head of Department - Inclusion SENCO | obarber@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Mrs Zoe Kemp | Deputy Head of Department SENCO | |
Miss Zoe Booth | SEND Intervention Coordinator | |
Mr Daniel May | Forest School Lead |
Pastoral Leadership
Mrs Nadene Townsend-Smith | Deputy Headteacher |
Name | Title |
Mrs Les Naylor | Joint Year 7 |
Miss Paige Muller | Joint Year 7 |
Mr Liam Keast | Year 8 |
Mr Tom Cain | Year 9 |
Mr Anthony Roche | Year 10 |
Mr Lee Gordon | Year 11 |
Name | Title |
Miss Lauren Clarke | Year 7 |
Mrs Davina Taylor | Year 8 |
Ms Lisa Wilding | Year 9 |
Mr Richard de Panama | Year 10 |
Mrs Carrie Meanwell | Year 11 |
Year group structure
Year | Head of Year (HoY) | Pastoral Support Leader (PSL) | |
7 | Mrs Lesley Naylor (Tuesday – Friday am) | Miss Lauren Clarke | pastoral-7@willingdonschool.org.uk
8 | Mr Liam Keast | Mrs Davina Taylor | pastoral-8@willingdonschool.org.uk |
9 | Mr Tom Cain | Ms Lisa Wilding | pastoral-9@willingdonschool.org.uk |
10 | Mr Anthony Roche | Mr Richard de Panama | pastoral-10@willingdonschool.org.uk |
11 | Mr Lee Gordon | Mrs Carrie Meanwell | pastoral-11@willingdonschool.org.uk |
Name | Title |
Mrs Cathy Codling | Mindfulness Lead |
Ms Vicky Bishop | Mindfulness Lead |
Mrs Lorraine Lamberton | Welfare Officer and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Ms Vicky Bishop | Safeguarding and Welfare Officer |
Mrs Rachael Killey | Attendance Manager |
Mr Andy Webb | Business Manager |
Mrs Tina Allchorn | Finance Manager |
Mrs Cheryl Fox | Human Resources Manager |
Miss Jennie Elphick | Human Resources Advisor |
Miss Sam Tomalin | Headteacher’s P.A & Clerk to Governors |
Miss Julie Heard | Reception |
Mrs Anita Noble | Reception |
Mrs Amanda Gwilliam | Admin Support for SLT |
Mrs Lisa Manning | Resources Manager |
Mrs Autumn Figgins | Resources Technician |
Mrs Lizzie Hadfield | Resources Technician |
Mrs Amanda Worrall | Admissions/Transition Admin Assistant/Medical Cover |
Mrs Rosie Beddows | Student Support Manager |
Mrs Suzy Ray | Student Support |
Mrs Melanie Owen | Student Support |
Mr David McClorey | Digital Services Manager |
Mr Edward Cottingham | Senior ICT Technician |
Mr Pawel Smigielski | Marketing & Media Visual Arts |
Mr Ryan Flack | Data Manager |
Mrs Gina Foulkes-Halbard | Exams Manager |
Miss Taryn May | Exams Officer |
Miss Katie James | Librarian |
Mrs Sue Clinch | Educational Visits & Coordinator/Admin Assistant |
Mrs Sarah Rooney | Careers Advisor |
Safeguarding Team | Ms Ali Walters - DSL |
Mrs Lorraine Lamberton – Deputy DSL | |
Mrs Emily May – Deputy DSL | |
Mr Lee Gordon – Deputy DSL | |
Mr Tom Cain – Deputy DSL | |
Mrs Les Naylor – Deputy DSL | |
Mr Jason Dubas-Fisher DSL | |
Learning Support Professionals (TAs) | Mrs Sue Clinch |
Miss Ellen Stickland | |
Mr Tom Read | |
Mr Samuel Fuller | |
Miss Katyanne Deboick | |
Mr Oliver Robinson-Ash | |
Mrs Kelly Bianciardi | |
Mr Joshua Akehurst | |
Mrs Cathy Codling | |
Deaf Support Facility | Mrs Ruth Wakefield |
Mrs Corrina Durrant | |
Miss Katie Manning | |
Mrs Glenda Morgan | |
Mr Nathan Weston | |
Tessa Pugsley | |
Cover Staff | Mr Martin Stammers |
Ms Maria Susek | |
Mrs Marie Monaghan | |
Learning Mentors | Miss Lowri Lambird-George |
Mr Gethin Townsend-Smith | |
Mr Ricardo Crisp | |
Mr Joshua Akehurst | |
Mr Matthew Jarrett-Lillie | |
Mr Leo Groombridge | |
Mr Max Reed | |
Mr Fletcher Sheppard | |
Site Manager | Mr Roger Worrall |
Deputy Site Manager | Mr Mark Poole |
Site Assistant | |
Mr Selami Mahmuti | |
Site Assistant | Mr Max Campbell |
Cleaning Team | Churchill’s Cleaning |
Canteen Team | Chartwells Catering |
Catering Supervisor | Mr Vernon Tison |
Name | Role |
Mrs Jane Branson | Chair |
Mr Brett Levett | Co-Opted Governor |
Mrs Shannon Marchesani | Co-Vice Chair / LA Governor |
Mrs Emily May | Headteacher |
Mr David Wakefield | Co-Opted Governor |
Mrs Alison Flynn | Co-Opted Governor |
Mr Tom Lawson | Co-Opted Governor |
Mrs Naomi Savage | Co-Opted Governor |
Mr Leigh Bradbury | Co-Opted Governor |
Mr James Martin | Parent Governor |
Mrs Rachel Keen | Parent Governor |
Miss Sarah White | Associate Member |
Mr Jeremy Woodham | Associate Member |
Miss Rowanne Brown | Staff Governor & Pupil Premium Link Governor |
Mrs Sam Tomalin | Clerk of Governors |