Personalised pastoral care
At Willingdon Community School we strive to achieve our own levels of Personal Excellence. We are Ambitious, Respectful, Compassionate, Courteous and Honest. We place a great emphasis on our personalised pastoral care, taking the time to listen to and support our students and parents. We have high expectations of uniform, behaviour and attendance both in lessons and in our wider community that we serve. We have a robust rewards system ensuring all students are recognised when they meet or exceed our expectations.
The pastoral system is led by an Assistant Headteacher and 2 Associate Assistant Headteachers. Each year group has a Head of Year and a Pastoral Support Leader (PSL). The Head of Year leads a team of 7 tutors in each year group. The PSL’s are non-teaching support staff which are assigned to an individual year group. In addition to this, we have bespoke nurture provision within the Inclusion Team, a Welfare Officer, Student Support staff for medical needs and we also offer counselling from an external practitioner. Students have a timetabled lesson daily with their pastoral tutor and they support the students with their careers aspirations and Relationship and Sexual Health Education too. We are proud to be able to deliver timetabled lesson on Mindfulness at Willingdon with a designated teacher delivering these inspiring and reflective sessions.
Pastoral Leadership
Deputy Headteacher – Mrs Nadene Townsend-Smith
Head of Year
Year 7 – Mrs Lesley Naylor / Miss Paige Muller
Year 8 – Mr Liam Keast
Year 9 – Mr Tom Cain
Year 10 – Mr Anthony Roche
Year 11 – Mr Lee Gordon
Pastoral Support Leaders
Year 7 - Miss Lauren Clarke
Year 8 - Mrs Davina Taylor
Year 9 - Mrs Lisa Wilding
Year 10 – Mrs Cathy Codling / Mr Richard de Panama
Year 11 – Mrs Carrie Meanwell
Pastoral Support Staff
Mindfulness Leads – Mrs Cathy Codling / Ms Vicky Bishop
Welfare Officer – Mrs Lorraine Lamberton and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding & Welfare Officer - Ms Vicky Bishop
Attendance Manager – Mrs Rachael Killey