School Uniform
School uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone.
Recommended items for your school bag
Uniform details
All students have the option to wear a regulation pencil (approx. 22 inches, no split and this must not be a stretchy tube skirt) or a pleated skirt. Students have the option to wear black knee length regulation tailored shorts or regulation trousers alongside all the other regulation items listed below.
A plain white shirt.
A black Willingdon Community School blazer.
A Willingdon Community School tie.
Plain black shoes, leather or leather look, with flat or low heels worn with black plain, unbranded socks or black/natural coloured tights. Socks must be below knee length.
A black V neck plain jumper, unbranded may be worn under the school blazer.
A coloured lanyard identifying their year group
PE Uniform
WCS Branded Polo Shirt
Zip Jacket (optional)
Knitted Track Top (optional)
PE Sweatshirt (optional)