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The Curriculum at Willingdon

Curriculum Intent

The curriculum at Willingdon Community School offers a broad, balanced, personalised and challenging educational experience, which builds on students’ experiences in the primary phase of their education.

It aims to provide all students with the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes which are necessary if they are to become successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve the best they are capable of.

The curriculum model at Willingdon is a dynamic model, reviewed annually to take into account educational developments at national, local and school levels. The school is committed to maintaining its consistently high levels of achievement in the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science; at the same time we continue to place a high value on the humanities and creative subjects, and provide a wide range of opportunities for students to pursue their interests in these areas at GCSE level.

At Key Stage 3, the curriculum complies with our statutory obligations to provide courses in National Curriculum subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French, Design Technology, ICT, Art, Music, Drama and P.E., together with Religious Education (delivered as ‘Ethics and Philosophy’), Citizenship, Careers education and RSHE. Although still part of a three-year Key Stage 3. Students are taught in ability sets for English, Mathematics and Science; other subjects follow the setting for MFL, while others are part-set or are taught in mixed ability classes.

As a school with a fully comprehensive intake, Willingdon is committed at Key Stage 4 to providing an appropriately differentiated and yet challenging curriculum for all of its students. Students are offered a broad range of subjects, mostly at GCSE level. Sufficient flexibility is built in to the model, however, to ensure that we meet the individual needs, strengths and aspirations of each learner as they make their choices. Every student follows examination courses in English (Language and Literature), mathematics and science (double or triple award), together with three other option subjects.  At KS4, students are taught in ability sets for English, mathematics, science, and core PE, and for the most part in mixed ability sets for their optional subjects. 

RSHE is taught for a period a week at Key Stage 3, and at Key Stage 4 there is a rolling programme whereby RSHE is delivered to the whole year group at the same time. 

Curriculum Diagram 2023/2024


Yr 7 Assessment

Yr 8 Assessment

Yr 9 Assessment

Yr 10 Assessment

Yr 11 Assessment










MFL - French & Spanich

MFL - Latin


Design & Technology


Business Studies


Food Prep & Nutrition

Physical Education


Child Development



What you have to say

"We couldn't be happier with the school, our children are happy and are always learning. Staff always go the extra mile (and more) to ensure they have so much more than they need. Staff are dedicated and caring and show this towards us parents too - even when we are being fussy! Thank you so much for all you do."

Good afternoon Mrs May and Mr Gordon, 

I hope you are both doing well. Thank you very much for your kind words, it really means a lot as I was feeling a bit nervous yesterday about how I had done in my presentation! I loved the experience, and it has given me more confidence in terms of public speaking! The whole team was brilliant yesterday and I'm really proud of how we all did - I feel very honoured to be part of such an amazing team. Thank you again for your encouragement and support!

Year 11 Student

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