Enrichment Programme (Extra Curriculum)
The school offers a variety of Enrichment Activities which take place during school break times and from 3.00-4.00pm after school.
Activities will start in Term 3 from Tuesday 7th January 2025, or as stated by the teacher in charge of the activity. These are voluntary activities on the part of staff and students and are offered on the understanding that students who sign up for an activity must be committed to attend all of the sessions. Students who are unable to attend a session must inform the member of staff in charge of the activity in advance of the date.
If you would like to attend one of the Enrichment Clubs but would like more information, then please see the member of staff who is running the club.
As some clubs have a maximum amount of places available it is important to attend the club(s) on the first session and register your name. If in doubt see the member of staff responsible.