Headteacher’s Welcome
Welcome to Willingdon Community School
We are Willingdon. We are a united, vibrant community which demonstrates personal excellence in all that we do. Learning at Willingdon transforms lives by igniting curiosity and expecting the very best from staff and students alike. We value opportunities, aiming for success today to prepare for challenges and opportunities tomorrow. We are respectful, honest and courteous to empower each other on our unique learning journeys. We look after ourselves and each other, and show empathy, respect and compassion to all people and our environment along the way. We encourage tolerance, resilience and reflection, which in turn allows everyone to make progress every lesson. We work together as a harmonious community to be the very best versions of ourselves. This makes us Willingdon.
Willingdon is renowned for its strong community ethos which ensures that every student is safe, happy and enriched by their schooling experience.
We facilitate our students to become confident and articulate learners who embody our personal excellence values. Developing a child’s personal excellence is at the heart of everything we seek to achieve at Willingdon. Our school will be responsible for helping students create their own identity and become active and responsible young adults in society. They will acknowledge that learning never stops, and that it is essential to develop the grit and resilience to cope with future challenges they may face.
We pride ourselves on consistently delivering the highest standards of teaching and learning across all of our subjects. Every year group is offered a curriculum which has breadth and depth. We encourage our staff to continually reflect and develop their own practice to ensure they are effectively catering for all abilities and preparing our students for the ever changing world we live in. As well as focusing on achieving the very best outcomes for our young people, we see our purpose as inspiring and enthusing our students to develop their passions and interests in our subject disciplines. We want every student to be fully informed about the possibilities for their futures and to experience a wide range of options from Russell Groups Universities, Apprenticeships and work experience. We make no apology for expecting the very best from every student in everything that they do. We place high value on our welfare system and developing strong relationships with our student body. We also want every student to develop their leadership skills which will drive the vision and strategic development of our school. We have a strong reputation for supporting our students with their mental health. We have over forty staff trained in Mental Health First Aid and deliver mindfulness across the year groups.
The essential ingredients for a successful school is about building our harmonious community through partnerships with all stake holders. We greatly encourage parent feedback and communication to help the school perform to its very best and meet the needs of our young people in our care. We work with our local community, colleges and businesses to create future pathways for our students to live, be further educated and work within the area should they choose.
Mrs Emily May