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Student Leadership

Student Leadership Team 2024-2025

Our Head Students

As Head Students, we are the main representatives for our student community and we can be called upon at any time should you have any queries. Our Student Leadership Team, consists of a variety of roles for students from all year group. These include: Deputy and Assistant Head Students; Senior Prefects; Student Council Representatives and a wide range of Subject Leaders.

We are a vibrant school that actively supports diversity and individuality. Each student is encouraged to pursue any areas of interest through the wide variety of enrichment clubs offered at Willingdon. This is also a great opportunity to solidify friendships and meet new people.

At Willingdon, our teachers are encouraging and supportive- they strive to provide us with engaging, varied lessons which push us to achieve our full potential and make progress every lesson. Every day the values of Personal Excellence: Compassion, Respect, Courtesy, Honesty and Ambition are embedded into each student, helping us to be the best versions of ourselves! At Willingdon, we value student voice immensely as it allows us to improve our school environment and ensures that all members of our school community are heard, happy and healthy. 

Students leave Willingdon Community School feeling confident that they will have the skillset, qualities, and qualifications to achieve all their ambitions.

Our Deputy Head Students

Our Assistant Head Students

Our Senior Prefects

Student Leadership Booklet

Our Student Leadership Team

At Willingdon Community School we believe that we have a responsibility to develop leadership skills in all students. School life provides many opportunities for young people to develop leadership skills. Through daily interactions with peers and teachers, shared responsibilities and by contributing to decision making forums, students at Willingdon Community School have the opportunity to become part of the school student leadership team.

Student leaders have the potential to influence the school environment and the behaviour of their fellow students by becoming advocates for positive change in the school community.

Students who actively participate in school life and feel that they are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions, feel respected and want to make further contributions to the school.

Our Aims

The aim of the student leadership procedures is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to build leadership skills through training programmes and during lessons that reflect the core values taught at Willingdon Community School, including ambition, respect, courtesy, compassion and honesty. At Willingdon Community School we encourage and provide a variety of ways for our students to become involved as leaders within the school setting.

The school aims to empower students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals and to enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that students bring. The school prepares students for Higher Education and for achieving personal and professional excellence in life after formal education.

The school encourages these leadership roles to be spread amongst the student body and across all year groups. Student Leaders are expected to work with staff, students and GIt is important that students prioritise which role is better suited to them. The roles may include but are not limited to:

Student Leadership Structure

  • Head Students

  • Deputy Head Students

  • Senior Prefects

  • Prefects

  • House Captains

  • House Vice-Captains

How do students become a Student Leader?

All leadership roles undertaken at Willingdon Community school will involve an application process. During the process all candidates will be interviewed to ensure they are suitable for the roles and to represent the school student community.

When applying to become a senior student leader all applicants will have to undertake a comprehensive application process which will involve a range of stages culminating in a formal interview with the Chair of Governors and Head Teacher.

Student Leader Expectations

Student Leaders are the school’s role models. Our Student Leaders need to be students who work hard to reach our school’s expectation of good behaviour and embrace Progress Every Lesson, 95% attendance, constant punctuality; you also need to be always in full and correct school uniform. As a student leader you will be required to wear your student leadership identification and complete at least one duty per week during the school day.


Students Leaders are also expected to develop appropriate understanding, skills and attitudes of leadership and action during their term of leadership. All student leadership roles will involve training for students. Training will be delivered by the subject areas or area leads that oversee the range of roles. Subject Leaders are responsible for quality assuring the student training and will help develop the key skills required to fulfil each leadership role effectively.

Senior Student Leadership Team Training Programme



Peer Mentoring

Deputy Head Teacher and Safeguarding Team

Managing Teams

Student Leadership Lead

Public Speaking

Vice Chair of Governors

Event Planning

Chair of Governors

Aspirations and Post-Willingdon

Head Teacher

Work Life Balance and Wellbeing

Student Leadership Lead

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