Preparing to take
the next steps in life
Preparing to take
the next steps in life
Preparing to take
the next steps in life
School closure in the event of adverse weather conditions
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We are a united, vibrant community which demonstrates personal excellence in all that we do. Learning at Willingdon transforms lives by igniting curiosity and expecting the very best from staff and students alike. We value opportunities, aiming for success today to prepare for challenges and opportunities tomorrow. We are respectful, honest and courteous to empower each other on our unique learning journeys. We look after ourselves and each other, and show empathy, respect and compassion to all people and our environment along the way. We encourage tolerance, resilience and reflection, which in turn allows everyone to make progress every lesson. We work together as a harmonious community to be the very best versions of ourselves.
This makes us Willingdon
We are looking forward to our Transition events including our Open Evening and Open Mornings.
We are Willingdon 2024
Willingdon 2023
Willingdon Community School are thrilled to celebrate the considerable achievements of our students in this year’s GCSE results. Their hard work, dedication, and resilience have truly shone through, with many achieving strong grades across a range of subjects. Their success not only reflects their individual efforts but also the unwavering support from our teachers, families, and the entire school community. We are incredibly proud of what our students across a range of abilities have accomplished and look forward to seeing them thrive in their future endeavours.
We must remind ourselves of the challenging journey that this year group faced at the start of their time at Willingdon Community School. Within their third term of year 7, we went into a national lockdown, and they missed the in person experience of learning and building relationships. However, this year group demonstrated personal excellence values in everything that they did. Their attendance to school was consistently excellent every single year which helped them to make such good progress from their starting points. The year group conducted themselves in an exemplary fashion, making and sustaining professional relationships with all members of the community.
84% of our student body achieved a grade 4 and above in English. 81% in Maths, and 83% in Science, which is above national average. This is an incredible achievement as we always pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. For those who did not achieve a grade 4, we recognise that they have reached their own individual levels of personal excellence with support from our SEND team. Subjects who achieved particularly well include Art, Biology, Chemistry, Child Development, D.T, Drama, Engineering, Food Preparation, English, Maths, Music, Physics and Spanish. Our average grade equated to a strong pass in every subject. In every headline measure, the school has made exceptional progress compared to previously strong results.
Particular mentions for exceptional attainment go to Elektra Sabattini, Ella Collins, and Amy Diprose. Brilliant progress was also made by Tony Coaja, Lilly Price, Toby Shepherd, and Oscar Healy throughout their Willingdon journeys.
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Results Day
Reassessment of Investors in Careers
Values and Ethos
At Willingdon Community School, we aim to develop, in all our students, key values which we consider contribute to the achievement of what we refer to as, Personal Excellence.
Our Senior Leadership Team
Emily May
Alison Walters
Senior Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Nadene Townsend-Smith
Senior Deputy Headteacher
Paul Holt
Senior Deputy Headteacher
Jason Dubas-Fisher
Assistant Headteacher
Rowanne Brown
Assistant Headteacher
Andrew Webb
Business Manager
Sam Tomalin
Headteacher's PA
Emily May
I am now in my eighth year of Headship at Willingdon Community School and am still loving the opportunities and challenges the school affords me each and every day. I was fortunate to know at a young age that teaching was my calling. I secured a 2:1 History Degree from Roehampton Institute, University of Surrey and completed my PGCE in History at Christchurch University, Kent. I worked in a number of Kent and London schools from a top performing, outstanding grammar school to schools that faced rural, suburban and coastal challenges and were often schools in ‘special measures’ or ‘requiring improvement.’ I enjoyed being an outstanding History teacher securing the opportunity to take on a Head of History middle management role. I then progressed my career to lead a sixth form as Director of KS5 followed by becoming a Deputy Headteacher. I have always put the needs of the children I teach first. At one stage, this meant learning Sociology and Politics A Level where I learnt the subject, taught it and sat the exams with my students achieving two A Grades. I am currently studying for my National Qualification in Executive Leadership with Best Practice.
I believe that we are all life-long learners and I embrace continual professional development at all levels to ensure that we are providing the very best teaching for each and every child. We want to guarantee for you that any room you walk into, the teaching will be as great as the room next door. There should always be that clarity, consistency and excellence within every classroom in the school.
This year I have had the opportunity to teach Year 9 History in Term 1. I now am teaching Paper 1 to the Year 11 History group alongside Mr Ellwood, teaching Paper 2. I never want to forgo my passion for History or teaching hence why I always try to take a class each year.
Finally, I believe in talent managing my staff to provide them with similar opportunities that I was afforded throughout my career by fantastic colleagues who invested in my personal development. I am immensely proud of the journey many of our support and teaching staff have been on at Willingdon. I hope I can continue to inspire and drive excellence in all that we do within our school.
Alison Walters
Senior Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Responsibilities include; whole school safeguarding, personal development of students and continuing professional development for staff. I also line manage the English, Maths, Business, Art, Technology, Drama and Music departments across the school.
After completing my degree in Geography at the University of Hull, I realised that I could combine my love of my subject with an exciting and dynamic career working with young people. I came to Willingdon in September 2002 after 5 years teaching in Norfolk and after completing my Masters in Educational Leadership and Management at the University of Brighton. I came as Head of Geography and I am still passionate about my subject and the others that I teach and thrive on working with the amazing young people we serve. I have been fortunate to do a range of roles whilst at Willingdon and have been Deputy Headteacher here for 4 years.
Nadene Townsend-Smith
Senior Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Headteacher for Pastoral Leadership and Inclusion. This role includes; responsibility for whole school behaviour and attendance strategy, admissions and transition, pastoral leadership of all 5 year groups and Inclusion, including Special Educational Needs. Furthermore, I line manage the staff responsible for managing cover, organising the school calendar and overseeing trips and activities.
I have worked at Willingdon for 20 years and initially came here as a full time science teacher. I enjoyed the role of tutoring for 5 years which led to me becoming a Director of Students Progress for Year 7 and Transition. I was appointed to join the senior leadership team 4 years ago.
Teaching is my second career having spent enjoyable years in Forest Management, Conservation and Recreation; this was a natural progression from studying for a Batchelor of Science (Hons) degree at Trinity College. I was privileged to work as a ranger in the beautiful South Wales Valleys Forest and South East England Forest District. I enjoyed working and developing Bedgebury National Pinetum and Forest before leaving to pursue my teaching career, studying for a PGCE, Science at Sussex University as an adult student.
Paul Holt
Senior Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Headteacher for Curriculum and Teaching & Learning. This role includes; responsibility for the teaching across the school as well as whole school timetabling, staffing, GCSE Options process, homework, student grouping, and ensuring a high quality curriculum can be accessed by all. Furthermore, I line manage the staff responsible for leading Science, PE, and Modern Foreign Languages. I also teach Latin across the school and am delighted that Willingdon Community School now has 4 GCSE Latin groups.
I have worked at Willingdon Community School since April of 2022. I was previously an Assistant Headteacher at Priory School Lewes, for 4 years. Before that I had enjoyed my role as a middle leader within the school.
Other roles I have undertaken include the PGCE lead for Classics at Pimlico Future Academies London, as well as being a Peer Reviewer and Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) for the South East. I grew up locally in Hove and then Saltdean so studied locally in Brighton. I gained a first class Honours degree in Humanities and Critical Studies, then achieved a PGCE in History the year afterwards. My Masters in Education was focused on making Classics accessible in state schools. More recently I have achieved The National Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) as well as The National Qualification for Headship (NPQH).
In addition to teaching, my interests include following Brighton and Hove Albion as well as Celtic, and walking my Labrador across the glorious South Downs.
Jason Dubas-Fisher
Assistant Headteacher
I am the Deputy Head of Science at Willingdon. I am originally from Yorkshire but have moved South to Sussex to be closer to my wife’s family. We have lived here for 8 years and I enjoy being so close to the sea, taking advantage of trying new water sports and fishing from the beach. I studied Physics, Maths and Graphics at A-level before doing my degree at the University of Leeds.
Before becoming a teacher, I enjoyed a spell playing Rugby League, and represented Italy at international level. I continue to enjoy playing rugby for my local team in Seaford, although I do find the switch to Rugby Union a little frustrating at times.
Rowanne Brown
Assistant Headteacher
Andrew Webb
Business Manager
Andy is our Business Manager, and has been at the School since September 2000.
As well as being responsible for all finance matters Andy is also the schools Health and Safety Officer, Data Protection Lead and oversees all the Support Staff in school. Andy came to the School having worked at East Sussex County Council having been part of the contracts management team who outsourced the IT and Payroll services on behalf of its stakeholders, including those in Education, so already had experience of working with schools prior to joining us.
Sam Tomalin
Headteacher's PA
Sam has been at Willingdon for the last 6 years as the Headteacher’s PA and has been the Clerk to Governors for 5 years.
She moved from London to Eastbourne with her 4 children 6 years ago and has worked previously in a large London primary school and with the NHS.
What People Are Saying
I just wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to all the staff involved in helping the Year 7s have a successful start to their time with you. As a teacher myself I know how much goes into what you do for the children so wanted to acknowledge that and show my appreciation. My daughter came home full of stories and very excited about her day.
"Many thanks for your help with this, I was so impressed with last night, how lucky are my children to go to such a proactive and motivational school. Please pass on my thanks to all the heads of department that spoke, it was so helpful and will really help us to support my son through his exams".
"Thank you for your email. I was genuinely excited to visit Willingdon yesterday, and I appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts about my experience. The main thing I noticed was the calm and structured environment, even during transitions between classes. This reflects the school’s value of respect, as everyone seemed to value each other’s space and learning. As a former student, I can see how the school has evolved and how the culture has changed for the positive. "
"I have two children, who joined this year and they are both settling in very well. This is, in no small part, down to the fantastic job you and your staff do, right from the outset in terms of the Year 6 open evenings through to these first few weeks of Year 7 and beyond. Without exception, every member of staff I have engaged with (whether that be face-to-face, on the phone or via email) has been helpful and friendly.
Communication is excellent (particularly given the size of the school) and, on the few occasions I’ve had to contact the school with a query, I have received prompt responses."
"Please can I say a big thank you to be passed on to all teaching staff who have been so supportive in helping my son to achieve really well in his exams."
"I just wanted to say thank you so very much for all the positive feedback from all the teachers at parents evening today regarding my son. Hearing such positive and heart-warming comments has really boosted his confidence and just makes us parents feel so very proud. Thank you for all the hard work that you all do with helping my son achieve such amazing things , it’s very much appreciated."
"Thank you to all staff for the last 5 years. But especially our brilliant Head of Year. You have followed our Year 11 through the school from the first Year 7 days and have given them so much support and encouragement along the way. You have been an amazing role model and have always been there to support the students. On behalf of the parents, WE THANK YOU and ALL the staff, both SLT, teaching, pastoral, and support, for all your dedication and support during our Willingdon days, from the beginning transition period in Year 7, through covid lockdown, home schooling, and all the challenges the school have faced throughout the last 5 years. We are so proud to have been a part of such a special school that is Willingdon."